Inclusive Economy
Changing the Game
on an Inclusive Economy
An Inclusive Economy is an economy that works for everyone. This means ensuring that all Edmontonians have access to meaningful economic opportunities whether through jobs, self-employment or benefits.
EndPovertyEdmonton strives to build an inclusive economy that provides equal opportunity to all those living in poverty.

How We Work
Our work at EndPovertyEdmonton seeks to address systems-level barriers through research, ideation, and convening stakeholders to work towards common goals. The Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth and Families is supporting our ongoing learning and evaluation.
EndPovertyEdmonton is working to ensure that reconciliation is considered and incorporated throughout our strategy. Canada established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to bring awareness and recognition of the detrimental impacts of colonialism and Residential Schools. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission developed 94 Calls to Action, asking all Canadians to facilitate and support reconciliation and healing for Indigenous Peoples.
The TRC Call to Action 92 calls “on the corporate sector to adopt the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a reconciliation framework and to apply its principles, norms and standards to corporate policy and core operational activities involving Indigenous peoples and their lands and resources.”
Inclusive Economy Model
Who is involved
Meet the Inclusive Economy Game Changers
Learn more about Inclusive Economy
Our Partners
EndPovertyEdmonton is a collaborative initiative of the community within Edmonton. The goal of ending poverty relies on the all the generous contributions of our partners.

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