EndPovertyEdmonton was created to convene, coordinate and broker partnerships in the work to end poverty in a generation (30 years) in our community. Through work as economic consultants, trusted advisors, conveners and community voice enablers, EndPovertyEdmonton works toward policy change and provides systems support for its implementation.
Our work is conducted in Game Changer areas, each a root cause of poverty, and underpinned by foundational understanding and need. We work broadly in the community, including all Edmontonians - public, private, not-for-profit and individual, to ensure policy actions benefit the whole community.
In partnership with others, we've identified policy actions and existing policies that can help drive change for poverty in our community.
Municipal Candidates can learn about the policies and actions to incorporate into their platforms to address Edmonton's desire to end poverty.
Edmontonians can learn about the issues and what to talk to their candidates about. For a full listing of candidates in your riding, please visit the City of Edmonton's website.
An Economy for All
August 2021 Policy Actions for Municipal Candidates
Those experiencing poverty have long been left out of economic growth initiatives. In boom and bust cycles, the increase in demand for public and social services compounds already challenged government budgets.
To get out of this cycle, we need to actively consider economic policies that spur investment and increased opportunity across the income spectrum.
Leverage Existing Spending
August 2021 Policy Actions for Municipal Candidates
Every purchase has an economic, environmental, and social impact, whether intended or not. Currently, the procurement system is mostly set up to achieve best price. An alternative to this practice is called social procurement or benefit driven procurement, which aims to achieve the greatest value instead. Social procurement is about leveraging existing spending to maximize positive economic, social, and other community benefits.
True Reconciliation
August 2021 Policy Actions for Municipal Candidates
1 in 4 Indigenous peoples is experiencing poverty in our city right now.
Edmonton, and Edmontonians, have long been committed to reconciliation, but the path to understanding what that means is long. It's a journey we must take with Indigenous Edmontonians.
Make Housing Affordable
August 2021 Policy Actions for Municipal Candidates
Having a home costs 20,000 Edmonton households more than 50% of their income. For 50,000 households it's more than 30% of their income. More than 6,000 households are on affordable housing waitlists and 2,612 people in Edmonton are experiencing homelessness. No one wants it to be this way.
Confront Racism
August 2021 Policy Actions for Municipal Candidates
Historical injustices have created harmful legacies and our community is calling for correction and change. Doing so requires understanding.
Part of that understanding must come from stronger data, to provide evidence for the right actions. Opportunities for better economic outcomes for all Edmontonians exist if we address systemic issues preventing people from realizing their potential.
Boost Low Incomes
August 2021 Policy Actions for Municipal Candidates
In any community, there is a point at which full time wages can support a modest lifestyle. It is not a legislated minimum wage in most cases, it is higher. By paying a living wage, employers can ensure their employees are able to remain healthy, productive and participate in community.
1 in 5 working Edmontonians earns below a Living Wage. The majority are working adults.
We're always here to talk, contact us if you'd like to discuss our policy actions.