A little #YEGDignity history …
YEGDignity was catalyzed by members of the John Humphrey Centre’s Youth Action Project back in 2015 as a way to creatively speak out on issues related to poverty in our city. The youth called for a change in the conversation, where our community’s most vulnerable speak for themselves. Since 2016 we have hosted an annual Dignity Day event that honours lived experience, community-based arts and challenges systemic injustices through popular education and celebration.
#YEGDignity 2019 theme
This year, our focus was on housing and homelessness. We know that currently, thousands across our province continue to live without adequate housing or sufficient support. We see the power in our collective response; utilizing creative means to educate and shine a light on the multiple barriers at play when it comes to housing; propelling us towards needed action! Working with iHuman Youth Society, Shades of Colour, SAGE, the Self Advocacy Federation, EndPovertyEdmonton and others, Dignity Day 2019 worked to bring intersections and lived wisdom forward through conversations and solutions.
Showcasing artists 2019
A team of talented local artists and advocates told their own stories and diverse perspectives through visual art, poetry, electronic music, photography and more.
Read more about them in this YEGDignityDay newsletter.
Poster gallery